Tips of Today : Easy Weight Loss Tips to Get The Ideal Body Weight
Lose weight in a short time? Not impossible, ladies. Cosmo has devised an easy way to lose weight in just a week. Let's see!
Expand Drinking Water
Fruit smoothies, wine, energy drinks contain up to 100 calories. However, the drink is not enough to satisfy your appetite. On the other hand, water has zero calories and can stimulate the body's metabolism so that the appetite was reduced. During this week try to drink plenty of water. In order not to get bored, try adding slices of lemon or mint.
Avoid White Carbs
Eating white carbohydrates, such as rice, white bread and white pasta can bring "calamity" on weight. These foods are simple carbohydrates that are easy to digest so you can easily feel hungry again. Not only that, these foods also make flatulence.
Perform Cardio Sport 30 Minutes a Day
Each exercise can boost heart rate to burn calories in the body. The experts recommend that you exercise High Intensive Training (HIT) for 30 minutes. Sports such as spinning and kickboxing may also be an option to create a lean and toned body.
Drinking Coffee One Hour Before Sports
Forget chugging energy drinks before exercise. According to Jana Klauer, MD, author of The Park Avenue Nutritionist's Plan, coffee can actually help you burn more calories. Black coffee has on average only 5 calories and can boost energy in the body to be more productive. The right choice to be consumed before exercise.
Add Sleep Time About 30 Minutes
Adding time to sleep as much as half an hour will give you more energy to move. Sleep for 7-8 hours every day is also important during dieting. This is because getting enough sleep can increase the body's metabolism and build muscle.Easy Weight Loss Tips to Get The Ideal Body Weight